
On Air

Middays with MJ

Mon - Sat: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

LMN 7-14-15 Finally recovered that pesky password!

LMN 7-14-15 Finally recovered that pesky password!

LMN 7-14-15 Finally recovered that pesky password!

Getting so tired of this being in the headlines. Every day someone discovers a new thing that is currently oppressing them or attacking them. Why can’t my over-active studio air conditioner be listed as offensive? There’s a heat advisory outside and I’m in here wearing a parka. What are we, a cooling station? Anyway, on to the news…

Wal-Mart says it will melt down any class rings that feature the Confederate flag. The best part of this is that once they do; all hate and ignorance will vanish! And yes; the online petition to change Cracker Barrel’s name to “Caucasian Barrel” is a joke. They’re going with “Honkey Bucket.”

Instead of using the money for a food bank or playground or anything that might, you know, matter to modern society, the city council of Memphis broke state laws in digging up the bodies of Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife. Because people who have been dead for over a hundred years are such a threat. Well, if they were vampires then yes, that would be a threat. Especially if the vampires sparkle. Apparently the University of Tennessee promised money for the land with Forrest’s monument… because we need to hear Rocky Top louder and closer. It’s not like Dixie at all.

Scientists are warning the Sun will “go to sleep” around the year 2030. I’d suggest if we’re even thinking about launching a rocket full of coffee, we get going on it now.

Just curious — Am I like the last to find out that Batman and Superman didn’t get along? I didn’t even know they knew each other!

Carrie Underwood had the window broken out of her car when her 4-month-old son was locked inside. The (singer?) says her dogs, who were also left in the car, are to blame. Wow, you just left everything in that car, didn’t you genius?

Harrison Ford shook up Comic Con by telling the actors of Star Wars; The Force Awakens that their lives are officially over because of that movie. Yeah. How awful that a film series could turn them into some of the most beloved and famous stars in the past 50 years, like Harrison Ford.

Today is “Bastille Day,” honoring the day in 1789 that peasants stormed the French prison and released the 7 prisoners inside. I forget what Anne Hathaway did. Seems like a lot of effort for so few, but they got a holiday out of it.

Today is officially “Go Set a Watchman” day in many southern states, in honour of author Harper Lee’s sequel to “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Many are shocked that a main character is kinda racist. I’m shocked that some of the people complaining have read a book. Ever.

We get our first real look at the Planet Formerly Known as Pluto today as the New Horizon craft flies by. Back when I was a kid, Pluto was a planet and privacy wasn’t just a Facebook setting. Yeesh. Get off my lawn!

And on a personal note … if you’ve been following recent developments in the local film scene; I’ve got breaking news on my personal blog, TheMasonReport.com. Many of you might have been part of the zombie movie with us and a lot of you know I had my own script in the mix. I’ve got a shocking update over on the other page. Of course, if you were listening to my morning show around 7:40 then you already know the news. It’s like being a time traveler!

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