LMN 12-3-15 Where’s the new Facebook support filter? Also – no glitter today.

LMN 12-3-15 Where’s the new Facebook support filter? Also – no glitter today.

LMN 12-3-15 Where’s the new Facebook support filter? Also – no glitter today.

So where is the “San Bernardino Facebook Profile Filter?” I must have missed that on my news feed.

Detroit police unions are urging the NFL to drop its ban on fans carrying guns at games. Naturally, the referees are all for the ban.

China is planning to launch satellites to monitor greenhouse gas emissions, just as soon as their air is clear enough so they can tell which direction the sky is in.

4,000 people in Turkmenistan set a record for the most people singing in the round. That ought to put Turkmenistan on the map, wherever it is.

And a few things you need to know …

On this date in 1621, Galileo invented the telescope. The following day, his smokin’ hot neighbor invented curtains.

On this date in 1828. Andrew Jackson was elected president of the United States he said, “My only hope is that I can be a good enough president that, some day, you’ll put me on the $20 bill” and the rest, as they say, is history.

Ozzy Osbourne made it to his 67th birthday today! Go figure. He probably only remembers around 24 of those years.

Tuesday was “National Giving Day” which ties in perfectly to a holiday I created for today: “National Receiving Day!” Today is the day you traditionally leave a bag of money on my front porch.

Looks like Auburn is headed to the Birmingham Bowl at Legion field. Hey – at least they are used to playing at 11.
A new study claims that worrying can take 5 years off your life. I was worried it was more like 6.

Fewer offices are reporting they are not planning to hold a staff holiday party. I remember my old boss saying, “Why do we need a party to tell people they’re not getting a bonus?”

And …The tree at Rockefeller Center is up and lit, officially kicking off the season. The best holiday gift I can give to my family is a home cooked meal not cooked by me. With the season heating up, my sympathies go out to Santa Claus for having to spend so much time cataloging how naughty you’ve really been.

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